People hire us because we know how to write. We are not arrogant. We're just confident in our ability to help you be successful when it comes to writing. We are proud of that fact.
Our Passion for Communication
Our goal is to help you communicate clearly and effectively. For us, it's not about the use of "big words." We believe it is important to communicate in a way that reflects clarity of thought, organization, and grammatical fluency.
Our Belief in People
We want you (the student and the adult) to feel a sense of comfort, confidence, and ease with your writing. We care about helping people. We want you to live your best life.
7 Principles of Brand
We believe in people
We want our clients to be successful
We recognize that education empowers people
We value honest and direct communication
We cherish and honor diversity in our staff and the people we serve
We participate in community service
We welcome feedback
Amy H.
Amy H.
University of Texas, B.S., Advertising, Austin, TX
Copywriter, DDB Needham Dallas
Copywriter, MBRK Advertising and Public Relations
Bronze Addy Award, Dallas Advertising League, 2010
7 East Texas Addy's, including Best in Print, 2002
Claremont Graduate University, Ph.D., Curriculum (Reading/Language Development), Claremont, CA
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, Los Angeles, CA
California State University, B.A., English, Los Angeles, CA
Education leader with experience in research, evaluation, curriculum and instruction, technology integration, professional development and the management of state and federal projects
Sales, marketing, and business development professional for leading educational technology and publishing companies including Apple Computer and IBM