Prepare for Your College Admission With Our Help

The Expanding College Opportunity® Speaker Series provides a wonderful opportunity for families of all backgrounds to learn from seasoned and highly-experienced college admissions officers, financial aid representatives, college academic advisors, college professors, and educational administrators about the path to college and beyond. The Expanding College Opportunity® Speaker Series features monthly presentations, AT NO COST TO FAMILIES, in an effort to provide critical information about preparing and planning for college, as well as to increase access to higher education in general. During the Expanding College Opportunity® Speaker Series, presenters address a range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • What colleges look for in an applicant?

  • How to finance a college education?

  • How students can best prepare for college?

  • Where and how to obtain scholarship money?

  • What can middle school and high school parents do to help their student succeed in college and ultimately to graduate from college?

When it comes to choosing a college that’s a good fit -- academically, socially, and financially -- the Expanding College Opportunity® Speaker Series plays an essential role in making your college choice. We invite you to join us. View the calendar of events below. REGISTER. And then, tell your friends and family about's Expanding College Opportunity® Speaker Series.


An Insider's Perspective on Highly Selective College Admissions
Dean Leaonard Satterwhite
Stanley B. Lemons, M.B.A., Ed.D. (candidate)

Watch WEBINAR RECORDINGS on our website or YouTube

Upcoming Events

September 2024

Event #1

Presentation Title: HOW TO MANAGE STRESS AND ANXIETY DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR: A critical conversation for the benefit of students and parents

Featured Speaker: Jenine Lemons, LPC-S/NCC, Theralem, LLC Counseling Services

Featured Speaker: Stanley B. Lemons, M.B.A., Ed.D. (Candidate)

Date: September 17, 2024

Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. CST

September 2024

Event #2

Presentation Title: TBA


Featured Speaker: Stanley B. Lemons, M.B.A., Ed.D. (Candidate)

Date: TBA

Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. CST

Calendar of Events

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Right click the images below to save our Expanding College Opportunity® Speaker Series flyers. Share the flyers via social media, websites, and in-person with your friends, family, and local community. 

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