We work with colleges & universities

to help incoming first-year students transition to college, and to support current college students in their effort to achieve academic and co-curricular success

Who are our clients

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    Educational Administrators

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    College and University Deans

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    First-year Experience Leaders

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    Academic and Student Success Leaders

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    Athletic Department Leaders and Coaches

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    TRIO Program Leaders

A man holding books in his hand while standing next to a car.

What we do

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    We help students develop their writing skills through our signature 6-week writing classes and private tutoring

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    We create custom-designed study skills and writing curriculums to support the specific learning needs of college and university students. If, for example, your students need to improve their performance in a certain class or academic department, our Curriculum & Instruction experts will consult with your faculty, deans, and students in order to create learning resources to help your students be successful

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    We provide research-based study skills classes and tutoring, focusing on goal setting, organization skills, time management, note-taking, communication skills, and strategies to prepare for in-class quizzes and tests. Additionally, students develop and explore insights related to student socio-emotional success in a college or university environment

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    We offer writing and study skills textbooks to supplement your academic curriculum 

What are the benefits

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Improved first-year student experience

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Increased student retention and graduation rates

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Strengthened support for college sophomores, juniors, and seniors

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Improved parent and community relations

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Enhanced institution brand awareness, reputation, and competitive advantage

Classes for College and University Students

Enroll your student(s) in our College Writing 2.0 Class and Stan's How to Study Class for College Students. Delivered in a convenient online live webinar format, these classes will help your student(s) succeed in college, both inside and outside the classroom. 

College Writing 2.0

Stan’s How to Study Class for College Students

Register for both the writing and study skills programs

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