A group of people standing next to each other.

Corporate & Government Writing Services

At TheSecretToWriting.com, we help corporations increase their revenue, build their brand awareness, and grow their market share. We also help government agencies better fulfill their organizational mission.


  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    We provide custom-designed group writing classes to business leaders and their employees. As a result of our writing classes, internal communication between employees is improved and external communication with clients is enhanced

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    We work on a one-to-one (and confidential) basis with senior executives and government leaders to improve both their writing and speaking skills

  • A black circle with an image of a check mark in it.

    We offer a suite of writing services to support marketing and communications projects, public relations initiatives, operational guidelines, and internal employee communications

Why is our work critical to your success?

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Strong communication skills establishes your credibility and strengthens your professional image

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Clear, effective, inclusive, and culturally sensitive written communication builds business relationships. The opposite is also true. Poor and ineffective written communication can irrevocably damage relationships and stir hurtful feelings

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    People lose time and money when their written communication is misunderstood, often resulting in assignments done incorrectly and tasks having to be repeated

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Investing in human resources is priceless. Employees are able to develop their skill-set and increase their level of self-confidence, which in turn serves to improve employee satisfaction, loyalty, and ingenuity

What services do corporations and government agencies routinely request?

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Custom-designed group writing classes, delivered online or in-person

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Individual/one-to-one writing and communication classes/tutorials

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Sales proposals

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Speech writing

  • A black and white image of a check mark.


  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Marketing collateral

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Website content

  • A black and white image of a check mark.

    Editing & copywriting

A group of people in business attire are sitting at a desk.

Effective Business

Online for Individuals and Groups

or In-person Programs at Your Location

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