Thank you for choosing TheSecretToWriting.com. Your purchase includes up to three reviews of your essay.
After you make your payment, here’s what will happen next:
- We will email you a welcome letter that details our operating guidelines for the admissions essay coaching service. Included with the welcome letter is a questionnaire that asks for additional information about the applicant. The applicant should complete the questionnaire and return it to us via email within 48 hrs. at [email protected]. If you (the applicant) already have a rough draft of your essay(s), please email your document in MS Word to us along with the questionnaire. The applicant’s full name should be included in the subject line of the email.
- A representative from TheSecretToWriting.com will contact the applicant to schedule an initial phone call/videoconference, typically scheduled 2-3 days after the requested start date for the essay coaching service. The initial meeting will last approximately 45 minutes to one hour. During the initial meeting, a company representative will review our essay coaching process and discuss a project plan and timeline for the applicant’s essay(s).
- Following the initial applicant meeting, we will schedule a subsequent meeting or email exchange between the applicant and our essay coach in order to commence the essay development process.
Ethics Statement
We do not write admissions essays for students; students do the work. Please know that admissions officers are skilled readers of admissions essays, and can easily detect an essay that has been written, for example, by a parent or a professional writer. Our goal is to help students think through their ideas and ultimately, for students, themselves, to communicate their story through writing. We also aim to help students develop foundational writing skills. We believe that writing is an invaluable skill, which, surely, will benefit a student well beyond the application process. While we cannot promise that a student will be admitted to any particular college, graduate school, or professional school, we can say — proudly– that our services are time-tested and provide added-value. Our client testimonials speak to the quality of our work.
Refund Policy
There are no refunds. If you have not started the essay coaching service, you may transfer or “gift” your purchase to someone else. Additionally, we do not provide or offer substitute products/services for the essay coaching service.
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